Beating childhood cancer starts with eating well.

Beating childhood cancer starts with eating well.

Read our latest report

FoodHealsâ„¢ Report 2024

Exploring Nutritional Aspects of Childhood Cancer in India

Every day we see kids fight cancer with all they’ve got.

But sometimes that’s not enough.

40% of children with cancer in India are malnourished at the time of diagnosis. 100% of them can fight harder with better nutrition. That’s right, there’s hope for every child with cancer.

You help pave their road to recovery. #FoodHeals

With our trained paediatric cancer nutritionists and food aid, we give children fighting cancer a chance at survival. Here’s how…

Enable Hospitals

We partner with government and charity cancer hospitals to provide them with a Paediatric Oncology Nutritionist.

Train Nutritionists

We handpick and train a team that’s big on both heart and skill. They help counsel children with cancer on nutritional choices.

Provide Aid

We provide hot meals, in-meals, nutritional supplements, eggs, bananas, and monthly ration bundles for a family of four.

Our journey starts at a hospital and ends at a playground.

Hear what Dr Krishna from MNJ Hospital, Hyderabad, has to say:

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A future full of possibilities starts with a meal full of goodness.


children are more likely to stick with their treatment plan when nutrition is a part of it.


of our patients improved or maintained their nutritional status despite cancer therapy.

Every fighter has a story to tell.

With your help we’ve been able to make cancer a thing of the past for countless children. Read more about their stories and what the future has in store for them.

Feed the fight by:

A few of our supporters...

We’ve received love and recognition along the way.

Recipient of the National Award for Child Welfare from the Hon’ble President of India in 2015-16.

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