A fighting chance starts with a full stomach.
40% of children with cancer are malnourished at the time of their diagnosis. This makes the fight for survival all the harder.
The good news? According to research, with the right nutrition during treatment, 7 out of 10 children in India can survive cancer.
Every child is unique, so are their treatment plans.
The FoodHeals™ Program is customised to every child’s medical condition. We do this to provide the right nutrition needed to complete treatment successfully. Here’s how:
We first assess and screen the nutritional status of every child seeking cancer treatment in our partner hospitals.
We evaluate side-effects that may negatively impact the child’s nutritional status.
We finalise the right nutrition therapy and prescribe a customised diet plan.
We aid and support the child and family by providing nutritional supplements, hot meals, in-meals, eggs, bananas and monthly ration baskets for a family of four.
We continuously monitor the child’s nutritional status and reassess plans if required.
We also support patient families with the knowledge to make healthier food choices by organising parent support group meetings, videos and educational talks.
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Great medicine needs good food. #FoodHeals
By sponsoring the FoodHeals™ program, you help children fighting cancer experience:
Lesser side-effects and treatment complications
Fewer breaks or delays in treatment
Improved chances for survival
Better immunity against infections
A feeling of being supported and cared for
Bhavik’s father thanks you for the food and love.
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Our ration bundle helps take care of 100% of a child’s daily caloric requirements*
Measured impact. Immeasurable good.
Did you know that 82% of children either improved or maintained their nutritional status despite cancer therapy, all thanks to your support. Read our latest impact report to know more.

“Thanks to Cuddles, we could include healthy food items like flaxseeds, almonds, and jaggery in Pranit’s diet. Neha (Cuddles Nutritionist) also helped me understand the importance of these ingredients. There was a complete shift in his diet, and that has made him grow stronger.”
PriyankaCuddles Patient Pranit's mom 
"Thank you for helping us keep the FoodHeals™ Program running. With your support, we counselled and gave ration bundles, supplements & in-meals - which gave the children the physical and emotional strength they need to fight cancer. Food heals."
Nandita Dhanaki Cuddles Nutritionist, Tata Memorial Hospital 
"Nutrition plays an important role... not only in improving disease outcomes but also reducing long term complex health issues and improving the quality of life in (childhood cancer) survivors."
Dr. Krishna ChaitanyaPaediatric Oncologist, MNJ Hospital, Hyderabad. 
Hear from Dr Girish, Sr Paediatric Oncologist, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.
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